05 October 2011


I mostly wanted to go to see this ridiculously 'metal' cathedral made of bones. I'm pretty sure no one died in the making of this cathedral. I think they were all already dead. Seems someone took the bones of the people that had died in the village and used them as a reminder that we all croak so we should value our lives while we have them.

Cute city! Although I almost had my computer run over by a car. I think the car was proving a point, and that point is: don't take selfies that require you to balance your camera on your computer bag in the middle of an intersection unless you want me to run over your stuff.

In my defense, I was done with the selfie and was standing right by my giant BRIGHT RED bag. A passing old woman was on my side too--she was quite complimentary of my bravery since I yelped and jumped in front of the car. She agreed: red bag = car probably saw it = what a jerk.

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